
Two for One Day–Weekend Recap

Posted by on July 11, 2012 at 12:59 pm

Trip, Ticket, and I had a FABULOUS weekend of showing.  We were at a new facility for dog shows, the Legends Sports Complex in the Woodlands.  This is an indoor, air-conditioned facility, with amazing soccer turf–deep artificial grass with rubber pellets.  Trip has shown on soccer turf before and loved it, but Ticket is now […]

Weekend Fun

Posted by on June 26, 2012 at 8:19 pm

So, I had a rare weekend of no work, AND no agility trials. So I decided to go to the beach with some friends, and of course, the dogs. Trip and Ticket came along, even though neither one of them has been a fan of water in the past. In fact, the last time Trip […]

AgilityVet Goes High Tech–YOUR questions answered!

Posted by on May 29, 2012 at 7:00 am

Next week, I’m going to be doing a podcast with Bad Dog Agility, about cruciate injuries in dogs.  This is unfortunately an extremely common injury, and way too many agility competitors have had to deal with this in their own performance dogs. I’ve been on both sides, as both a veterinarian being the bearer of […]