
Novice Practice

Posted by on January 30, 2011 at 9:42 pm

Was able to practice an actual Novice course with Ticket, and she did about what I expected her to do–better in some places (the opening leadout away from the chute). Will definitely have to keep working the table in sequences with speed–it’s the one obstacle I don’t have (yet–have the materials but haven’t built it). […]

Ticket 1/18/11

Posted by on January 18, 2011 at 10:38 pm

So, haven’t been able to have more aframe practice until today, since the weather has not cooperated. Worked on it this morning, and it looked fabulous. No stride regulators on at all, since it seemed that they were messing Tic up more then they were helping her. Her first two reps were higher in the […]

3 weeks and counting…

Posted by on January 16, 2011 at 9:41 pm

3 weeks until Ticket’s first show.  Looking at recent Novice courses, I think she’s ready.  I’m sure she will have some baby dog moments, and I’ll have some WTF moments.  I’m not really looking forward to the big spaces and straight lines in Novice, but hopefully we won’t be there long. 🙂 My newest concern […]