So, I suck, and it’s been awhile. It seems to happen at the same time every year, so I blame all the work for Nationals and Tryouts. 🙂 Tryouts–I personally feel like it was Trip’s best one ever. She ran fantastic, but little errors resulted in Es, so it wasn’t her best “finish” ever. Her […]
Trip is looking good, and we’re just about ready to head to Minnesota for World Team Tryouts. We ran this weekend in San Antonio, and while Sunday was forgettable, Saturday Trip ran GREAT, and had the best JWW run she’s had in a long time. I hope it bodes well for next weekend. I gave […]
Trip did it again. My always perfect girl got another QQ (I think she’s at 6 in a row right now), to earn her MACH3. On a Tuesday. At the Cardigan Corgi National Specialty trial. Ginormous, humoungous beautiful ribbon. Saw it, had to have it, so Trip said ok. 🙂 Once again, Trip proves that […]