Trip did it again. My always perfect girl got another QQ (I think she’s at 6 in a row right now), to earn her MACH3. On a Tuesday. At the Cardigan Corgi National Specialty trial. Ginormous, humoungous beautiful ribbon. Saw it, had to have it, so Trip said ok. 🙂 Once again, Trip proves that […]
I’m very proud of both my girls this weekend. Trip was once again 4/4 with two Double Qs, and now only needs 2 more for MACH3. She did two brilliant dogwalks, one with me pulling away and using a threadle arm to keep her off the off-course jump straight ahead that got more than a […]
We had a great weekend at the NASA trial close to home. First, the dirt was great–no running on the beach. Trip went 4/4, with two 1sts in Standard, and 2 2nds in JWW. Both dogwalks were gorgeous, and one had me stuck behind because of the handling before getting onto the dogwalk. The courses […]