
TPLO — Day 5

Posted by on September 25, 2011 at 8:52 pm

Day 5, and Ticket is doing well.  She is using her leg well– a mild limp, but no hesitation to bear weight.  She is really feeling TOO good–she gets excited and wants to jump up on me, or do Sheltie spins.  This pic is Ticket giving Jedi mind tricks a try–“You WILL let me out […]

TPLO and Day 1

Posted by on September 21, 2011 at 10:00 pm

So, since so many people with agility/performance dogs go through ACL tears (actually, their really CCLs in dogs), I thought I would blog about Ticket’s surgery and rehab/recovery, to share my experiences.  Certainly, there are things about Ticket’s experience that may be different from yours–Ticket is not even two years old yet, and she’s only […]

Ticket’s Last Hurrah

Posted by on September 14, 2011 at 10:01 pm

Well, the girls and I got to enjoy 3 days of agility at the Dog Gone Fun USDAA agility trial.  First 2012 Qualifying event, so a chance to get some of those Qs early, though no idea where it will be.  Also a chance for Ticket to finish some titles before heading into surgery. Ticket […]