
3 weeks In

Posted by on January 23, 2012 at 7:42 pm

Well, Ticket has had 3 shows back. Weekend #2 was forgettable–some confusion on her aframe contact, bars, and general suckiness. Last weekend was much improved. First aframe some confusion and stopping halfway, the rest were GREAT. She did drop some bars in JWW, but I was still pretty happy with how she did. Sadly, blew […]

Ticket’s return to trialing

Posted by on January 10, 2012 at 2:52 pm

Ticket had a fabulous time at her first trial back after TPLO surgery.  The weather was perfect (well, as perfect as January can be–70s/50s), the surface was good, and she ran great.  We even managed to qualify on one run, the last run of the weekend, in Exc. B JWW.  She even got 1st place, […]

15 weeks, and 4 days

Posted by on January 3, 2012 at 3:55 pm

Ticket is 15 weeks out from TPLO surgery today.  Hard to believe that her first trial back is in just 4 days.  That is an amazingly quick recovery from knee surgery, and I’m “lucky” that young dogs tend to heal more quickly, and that we had no setbacks during her recovery.  I have no doubt […]