Ticket is 15 weeks out from TPLO surgery today. Hard to believe that her first trial back is in just 4 days. That is an amazingly quick recovery from knee surgery, and I’m “lucky” that young dogs tend to heal more quickly, and that we had no setbacks during her recovery. I have no doubt […]
Well, 2011 was definitely a tough year for me and the Shelties. It started out great–Trip was running well, Ticket began competing and also did well, moving pretty quickly into the Excellent classes. The AKC Nationals were disappointing–it was not my favorite Nationals experience for many reasons–#1 the facility and its layout, but also the […]
Ticket, trying to catch her tail So, Ticket is almost at 10 weeks post surgery. She continues to amaze. She’s been running/sprinting in the backyard (her favorite sprints involve the ChuckIt), with no ill effects. I’ve started some Salo jump grids, where I have noticed what appears to still be some weakness in her rear. […]