

Posted by on November 20, 2011 at 4:57 pm

Ticket finally earned her freedom.  After 8 weeks of crate rest and rehab, the bone in her right leg looks healed, and she gets to be turned loose.  Obviously, she can’t just jump into everything at once, and I’ll have to ease her back into agility.  First up–sprints!  And she is thrilled to be able […]

What a week…

Posted by on November 11, 2011 at 3:43 pm

Thank goodness it’s Friday!  It’s been a crazy week, and I’m actually grateful to have two days off without agility.  Hopefully I’ll be able to recover going into the Thanksgiving holiday, which I’m sure will amp up the stress again. First, the good news.  Ticket is in the home stretch.  Next Tuesday she gets her […]

Argh–a rare vet vent

Posted by on November 6, 2011 at 10:30 pm

I am up to my ears in sick and/or wacked out dogs.  Seriously, Ticket is the least of my worries at this point.  She has a diagnosis, an appropriate treatment (surgery), and is on the mend.  OH SO CLOSE to freedom from crate rest.  No, my problems are two of my others, Trip and Mardi. […]