
Labor Day

Posted by on September 5, 2011 at 9:33 pm

Had a nice, relaxing Labor Day weekend.  I worked Saturday but it was pretty quiet.  Mostly have been hanging around the house, but today I got motivated and cleaned the “dog room.”  Mostly, that involved vacuuming up massive amounts of Sheltie hair, reorganizing a bit, and cleaning out lots of stuff I apparently don’t need.  […]

Sometimes, life gives you lemons…

Posted by on August 23, 2011 at 9:32 pm

Soo, I’ve been putting this post off, because somehow it makes everything seem more real. Ticket came up lame before Reliant, responded to rest, massage, and NSAIDs, and has been doing fantastic with her normal training schedule. Even did 2 days of USDAA, no problems. Last week, she stood up on 3 legs again. No […]

Yay for healthy dogs and Reliant!

Posted by on July 26, 2011 at 2:03 pm

We had a great trial at Reliant. Number one–both girls were healthy through the entire thing!!! I was so happy to be out there again with them 🙂 Trip was perfect. Literally. 8/8, three Double Qs, and won Time to Beat twice. 7 1st place runs, and a 3rd place in JWW. She looked good, […]