Back to Agility Trials

What’s this?  An actual blog update about, gasp, an agility trial?  Whooda thunk it?  Sad to only be showing Trip, but I doubt she thought so. 🙂

So, we had two days of agility in Hitchcock, and Trip was great.  She ended up going 4/5, with all 1st place runs — Standard and Time to Beat on Saturday, and Standard and JWW (for a Double Q), on Sunday.  Her only fault of the weekend was a dropped bar in a deep part of the course in JWW.  She was “off” that run, not really running like herself, though I can’t put my finger one exactly what was going on.  She did well on a somewhat technical Standard course on Sunday, making it look easy.

I also ran Lyly this weekend, and she ended up going 3/4, also with all 1st place runs.  That was her last QQ to qualify for Nationals in Reno.  Not sure if she’ll be going, but at least it’s an option.  We ran very well considering I haven’t even seen her since July.

This wasn’t a large trial, so we’ll have more competition next weekend, in Crosby.  AND Time to Beat both days, which I’m really enjoying.  I’m not a huge fan of FAST, though my dogs do well in it, and I DO like it for young dogs and getting more practice time in.  But with Trip, she’s earned all the FAST titles I care to (MXF and TQX), so I just don’t ask her to do it anymore.

Ticket came out to the show on Sunday to visit and hang out.  She was dragging me around and obviously happy to be around agility.  At least, until she realized she wasn’t actually going to get to DO any agility.  Then she was pretty pissed.  I’m planning on bringing her both days next weekend just to get her out of the house, walking her around, and keeping her mind busy.  She is getting crazier and crazier at home, despite her increased activity level.  I admit, I’m not doing the greatest job keeping her mind stimulated.  I could be teaching her tricks or something like that, but once I spend all the time on her rehab, it’s hard to find the time to do something else.

Anyway, here’s Trip’s video from the weekend.  Enjoy–fast and clean runs to you!

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