Labor Day

Had a nice, relaxing Labor Day weekend.  I worked Saturday but it was pretty quiet.  Mostly have been hanging around the house, but today I got motivated and cleaned the “dog room.”  Mostly, that involved vacuuming up massive amounts of Sheltie hair, reorganizing a bit, and cleaning out lots of stuff I apparently don’t need.  I wanted to clean it up/out before Ticket’s surgery, which is scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow, September 20th.

Ticket was absolutely bonkers today with pent up energy, and I couldn’t pass up a chance to train in this awesome weather, so Lori and I got together for a little practice.  Both girls did well and were happy to play.  I haven’t gotten to play with video lately, so here’s some of our practice.  I’ll have more then I know what to do with after next weekend.

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