Keep on keeping on…

Well, we went to the DFW Golden Retriever AKC trial in Ft. Worth this weekend. Trip was, once again, perfect. I’ve jokingly told people that she’s trying her best to convince me to skip the puppies–“come on mom, I’ll NEVER NQ again…” We had some fun courses, and she ran very well, getting all 1st places. She doesn’t do anything halfway. 🙂 So, she’s now working on 8 QQs in a row. I’ve only dreamed about consistency like that. Hopefully after puppies it won’t take too long to get it back. At this point, running her almost seems easy (though still exhilarating every time we step to the line).

Mardi unfortunately got her toe caught in the heavy doors into the arena this morning, and ripped her pad yanking her foot away, so she got scratched today. I think her toes are ok, but I’ll have to reassess tomorrow. Hopefully she’ll be ok before next weekend.

I also ran Lyly, and she was a good girl, OH SO CLOSE to that last QQ for Nationals. A bar one day in standard, and a bonehead flick away on her part in JWW blew it for us two different days. That said, she ran great, listened well, and did great contacts. She had a smoking standard run today, even working her contacts. Maybe next weekend we can get that last one down.

Here are some videos:

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