I’ve been starting to get things ready for the Trip-lets this week. I went out and bought some of the most obnoxious toys I could find–they sing, they dance, they move around. Also found a keyboard and a skateboard.
I decided to use a huge cardboard box from work as a whelping box. That way, when we’re done with it, I can just toss it out. I put some wooden dowels in it to make a rail for the pups so they don’t get squished. I found some mattress pad protectors to line the bottom of my box–quilted on one side, vinyl on the other, so the moisture doesn’t seep through.
I will be having a webcam of Trip and her pups, so I can keep an eye on them when I’m at work. We will be doing everything possible to have someone here as much as possible the first 2-3 weeks, and definitely the first 3 days, but much of the time it will likely be Ryan, so this way *I* can see what’s going on too. And as they get older, I can still keep an eye on them. We may put a second camera up as well–will just have to see how that will work.
Trip has been doing well. No weight gain, but her behavior is definitely “off.” She’s a little clingy, a little whiney, and a little less active. She is of course entitled to be all of those things. 🙂
Here is a test recording, similar to what will be seen with the webcam stream.
Watch live video from schaez on Justin.tv
Trip had her ultrasound today, and she is PREGNANT! Obviously, I’m relieved and ecstatic. We counted 4 puppies. Of course, ultrasound isn’t great for that purpose, since it’s hard to tell if you counted the same one more then once, but I really think we have 4 (definitely 3).
Now time to get into planning mode and get everything ready! 🙂
Well, Trip’s breeding has come and gone. It came up so suddenly, I didn’t get a chance to put up a post when we were heading out. I was sure I was going to be flying in Sunday, for breeding on Sunday and Tuesday, but when Trip’s progesterone was higher then I expected on Thursday, we made the decision to go for Saturday/Monday breedings instead. I think it was a good decision, but didn’t leave me with a ton of time to plan. 🙂
The coolest thing about the way it ended up happening, is the time I was able to spend with Dillon. I picked him up from Kentucky, and then drove him and Trip down to Tennessee, where we were breeding them. I don’t think many dam owners get the opportunity to spend a lot of time with the stud dog, unless he’s theirs or a friend’s. I really love Dillon’s personality, temperment, and drive. He’s fun-loving, and sweet, two things which Trip really is not–she’s more serious, and while she’s sweet to me, she’s always been a more typical sheltie and not one to just sit in your lap. I’m really excited about what the two of them will produce.
All appendages are crossed–ultrasound in 3 weeks. If Trip is pregnant, she would be due the beginning of November.
Here’s a pic of Trip and Dillon. 🙂