So, the South Central Regional was a lot of fun, and we had our good and bad moments. I’m so proud of both my girls–they were fantastic! On paper, Trip did great! She earned a PVP Q (Top Mini dog Team), as well as Semi-Final Byes in both Performance Grand Prix and Speed Jumping. So, […]
We’ve been taking it easy lately, little bit of training but not really drilling, still watching both girls health. Trip seems to be fantastic–happier then she has been in a long time. Ticket always WANTS to go, but I still find myself being careful because if she gets hot/tired, she won’t protect herself from injury. […]
So proud of both my girls this weekend! They really both did GREAT, and it was probably their best weekend combined ever. That’s mostly a reflection of how well Ticket ran, but I’m so happy with both, for very different reasons. Trip was HAPPY. She was 3/3 on Saturday, all 1st place runs. But what […]