
Better Days

Posted by on July 13, 2011 at 8:17 pm

Well, things have been tough down here. Trip and Ticket are BOTH currently injured. It started with Trip in Monroe. Took her to a friend and finally figured out the problem was neck pain. Even figured out what happened–she got her head hung up in a chute in class the day after she had a […]

Ticket AXJ

Posted by on July 3, 2011 at 10:31 pm

We had a great time in Monroe for 3 days of AKC Agility. Ticket ran great, particularly in JWW, and got her AXJ title. Her standard runs were also very close–she was in the “one thing wrong” club instead of the “disastrous run” club. She was fast and focused, hit every weave pole entry, and […]

I suck

Posted by on June 21, 2011 at 4:18 pm

So, I suck, and it’s been awhile. It seems to happen at the same time every year, so I blame all the work for Nationals and Tryouts. 🙂 Tryouts–I personally feel like it was Trip’s best one ever. She ran fantastic, but little errors resulted in Es, so it wasn’t her best “finish” ever. Her […]