I’m back…
OK, so I’ve been awful again. In my defense, life has definitely gotten in the way.
To sum up, we’ve moved to a beautiful dog-friendly house, with a monster agility yard, that in a few weeks, will be populated by a full complement of agility equipment. I’m in the queue for contacts, just have to wait my turn. Definitely have some things to work on in the yard (filling in some holes, the battle with the ants, a scrubby bush that wants to disappear), but nothing huge.
Trip is still brilliant, and mostly reads my mind. She earned her ADCH and her MACH2 within a week of each other (and as of now has 7 QQs towards MACH3). I’m going to try to work her on some of the same foundation work I’m doing with Ticket, to hopefully improve her handling even more. Mostly accel/decel, and responding to the second arm cue. If we can improve those things, I think we’ll make some big strides towards where I want to go 🙂
Ticket is now a year (!!!) old. She is going to be an amazing agility dog if I don’t screw her up. 🙂 I plan on entering her in her first show next February, but we’ll see how that works out. Here are some of her training videos, hopefully in sequential order 🙂