Halfway there–4 weeks post TPLO

Today marked the halfway point for Ticket.  Her surgery was 4 weeks ago, and she’s still doing well.  We are moving forward in her rehab.  I’ll be increasing the duration of her walks a couple of minutes each day, as well as increasing the difficulty/complexity of her cavaletti exercises.  I’m also going to introduce a new exercise, “limbo,” where she has to crouch to get under a bar.  Making it to 4 weeks means the major risk of “hardware” failure has passed, but we still have to be careful.  It takes about 8 weeks for bone healing to be complete, so 4 more weeks until we take xrays to see where we’re at.

She had her second underwater treadmill session today, going from 8 minutes her first session, to 12 minutes today.  She is JUST as thrilled about it today as she was the first time.  She gets lots of treats, but she just doesn’t like water.  She still walks well and performs, she’s just not happy about it. 🙂

I’ll post some more video of her exercises and gait later this week.



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